Thursday, 29 May 2014

Thailand Exploring Tha Ton

Today was a day of self indulgence taking the new CRF out for a spin to break her in and to Join my mate Sven out on a ride on his new (my old) KLX and stop by my favourite farkle shop in Fang to get some bolts on's for the CRF.

Easy ride 260Km's total and cakes at the Charin to avoid a storm (how convenient) at the end of the day. 

Blessed with a cloudy start we made our way towards Mae Salong via the lower road, first thing i noticed was Ron was right, riding at 80 KPH you see so much more along the route, here is a collection of snaps from the day that i normally blast by without a thought and to prove you don't have to ride for day's on end to see stuff and have a great ride when it''s on your doorstep. 

Heading down from Mae Salong

New Chinese development

Lot's of sand dredging on the Kok River 

Pictures from the Stupa located near the orange plantations on the 1089

Not sure what he was smoking but he was smiling a lot

View of the Stupa from the 1089

Images from ThaTon Stupa's and shrines

Visiting the Mlabri (Yellow Leaf People)

One year now since our friend Auke passed away suddenly, I promised Sieste (Aukes son) that we on Ride Asia would do our best to honour thi...