The 105 is one of those roads that should be a joy to ride, approaching roads from the east to Mae Sot and north to Mae Sariang bring a smile with a good road bike.
However the 105 has always been known as a bitch of a road and best avoided, but things are changing and changing pretty fast.
The route is spectacular with stunning views and historical viewpoints, we found the ride from Mae Sot to be a pleasant surprise, a little broken in places by still enjoyable until 10km past Mae Salid then a different story emerges. suddenly you're on brand new dual carriageway and continues for 20 K, or so until you reach the National park and hit the road works.
The works continue for around 10Km then your into potholed sections until you reach the north side of the park and the road is pretty good again.
Some picture's travelling through, as you can see a huge investment in upgrading the road.
So far so good.
Glimpse of the new road section.
A few surprises along the way
Start of the roadworks
Waiting for the road to clear
One of the better surfaces after the roadworks
Some many temples and stupas along the 105 near the Burma border.
Mountains of Burma in the background