Friday, 21 October 2016

Thailand Exploring Mae Sariang

Great start to the riding season with this trip to Mae Sariang, blessed with dry weather and stunning views.

Fantastic views

Dave losing it on a sandy section

The climate in this area makes it ideal for vegetable farming

Myanmar refugee village

Dave getting to know some locals

Long neck lady showing a keen interest in his wallet 

Didn't notice till later lady on the right is cross eyed.

Great views.

Dave smiling still.

Jim picking his way through a sloppy bit.

Bridge to nowhere.

Trying to figure out how to extract the bike from a well placed hole.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Thailand Phan Loop

Phan loop

We decided to revisit and complete this loop through the Doi Luang NP making a nice 250km looping ride, most of the pictures are from the section marked on the map. A great trail ride with a few landslides making it impassible at the moment for 4WD.

Fallen tree's from a heavy storm the previous day making it hard going in places.  

The long fire road still in good shape.

The deep ruts give some idea of the rain flow in this area.

Riding the stream chance to clean the bikes.

Unusual crematorium near the 118.

Very slippery down hill testing Des.

Time for a beer !!

Making the turn back towards Chiang Rai 

Another landslide high in the mountains.

Nice camping area near a cave complex.

Beautiful panoramic views

The trail was actually the stream bed.

Beautiful Wat up high in the mountains

Farmers telling us which way to go, thought they were joking, through the river they said

More wet feet.

Nice forest section towards Phan

Visiting the Mlabri (Yellow Leaf People)

One year now since our friend Auke passed away suddenly, I promised Sieste (Aukes son) that we on Ride Asia would do our best to honour thi...