Day 2
After little sleep in Mae Ping due to the lighting storm it was off to the Salawin NP camping just outside Mae Sariang, the day turned out to longer than we expected covering 466 km.

A tentative ride back to the 106 after the rains.

Once on the 106 things quickened up although in some places the road was slippery as hell.

After a lunch stop for a Thai pizza in Ban Tak it was back the glorious 1175 which for once is was in pretty good condition.

One of the many huge Buddha images being created up and down Thailand at the moment.

Feeling weary time for a coffee stop.

And for Johnny a wee nap.

Heading north now on the 105 towards Mae Sariang getting late in the day.

We arrived at Salawain NP after a bit of searching very few signs to indicate the place even with a gps it was a nightmare, the park guide was a little surprised to see us arrive so late and was charged the Thai rate on producing our pink ID cards.

The guard pointed us towards the camping area, pretty enough place but they had no facilities other than toilets and showers. It was several km back to town to collect drinking water and other essentials and we voted to pass on camping and stop the night in Mae Sariang and save this place for another day.

It had been a long day, 11 hours all in and the prospect of a cozy bed for the night was too tempting for us all, an early night was in order for another long day ahead to Ban Rak Thai.....

After little sleep in Mae Ping due to the lighting storm it was off to the Salawin NP camping just outside Mae Sariang, the day turned out to longer than we expected covering 466 km.
A tentative ride back to the 106 after the rains.
Once on the 106 things quickened up although in some places the road was slippery as hell.
After a lunch stop for a Thai pizza in Ban Tak it was back the glorious 1175 which for once is was in pretty good condition.
One of the many huge Buddha images being created up and down Thailand at the moment.
Feeling weary time for a coffee stop.
And for Johnny a wee nap.
Heading north now on the 105 towards Mae Sariang getting late in the day.
We arrived at Salawain NP after a bit of searching very few signs to indicate the place even with a gps it was a nightmare, the park guide was a little surprised to see us arrive so late and was charged the Thai rate on producing our pink ID cards.
The guard pointed us towards the camping area, pretty enough place but they had no facilities other than toilets and showers. It was several km back to town to collect drinking water and other essentials and we voted to pass on camping and stop the night in Mae Sariang and save this place for another day.
It had been a long day, 11 hours all in and the prospect of a cozy bed for the night was too tempting for us all, an early night was in order for another long day ahead to Ban Rak Thai.....