Sunday, 12 April 2015

Laos Vieng Thong, LS36 Aborted To Boten

I awoke early in Vieng Thong for a look around the market place, everywhere was still muddy from the previous nights storms, so today was to be interesting.

Butchers shop Laos style.

The village before the turn to LS36 is very poor i stopped for a while to hand out some sweets. 

On making the turn it became clear it was not going to be easy, but after the set back the previous day i gave it a go.

Pictures don't do justice to how slippy it was here, the downhill sections not a pleasant experience. 

I was making painfully slow progress as it started to rain again, time to turn around otherwise i would be stuck for sure.

Heading back to the main village


Evidence of the previous storms

Man Ou river in flood, the old water generators i think now out of service.

Great views between the rain storms.

I decided to make a trip to Boten, a strange place thank was built by the Chinese and lay totally empty for several years and became a ghost town.

One of the hotels slowly coming back to life.

Huge investment here, all to stand idle.

New duty free zone.

Volvo XC90 had better days.

Arrived in Luang Namhta cold and wet after day of mixed events.

Well the end of another interesting trip to Laos, from here was a long wet and cold ride back into Thailand.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Laos Phonsavan To Vieng Thong LS36 Aborted trip

Phonsavan is one of those strange places where it always appears to be either very windy or raining, today was the later. But undaunted i get ready for my ride north to LS36, hoping the sun would break out and dry up the trails. 

Quick stop at the bombed out tank for a few snaps as the rain continued.

The graded sections not too bad, so my hopes high.

From here a big storm blew over, that was it time to turn back to Phonsavan.

Back in town time for breakfast at the Simlay and wait for the rain to ease off, so it was decision time stay put or make the paved way to Vieng Thong. Since i was already wet Vieng Thong it was.

So nice pictures as the rainforest gave off a mist cloud.

Another big storm passing over and continued the whole way.

Brief break in the rain.

Sing for the tin drum village and LS36 site.

Very cheap rooms for 40k kip, a bit basic but i was so cold and wet i didn't care.

My thoughts turned to home as it was clear this wet weather was to continue for several days, so a change in route plan was called for the next day.

Visiting the Mlabri (Yellow Leaf People)

One year now since our friend Auke passed away suddenly, I promised Sieste (Aukes son) that we on Ride Asia would do our best to honour thi...