Saturday, 31 December 2016

Laos the 4B revisted between Hongsa & Luang Prabang

Having done this ride a few weeks earlier but in the opposite direction it would be interesting to see what progress had been made.

Distance 133km.

Young lad all dressed up to find a new partner as part of the Hmong new year, sporting a nice Elvis type haircut.

A little difficult to find a way onto the trail due to the roadworks, we had no sooner started and our first hold up.

It was going to be a long day at this rate.

Finally underway and a new section had been carved out.

The first water crossing, i was amazed how much the water level had dropped in just a few weeks.

Back into the thick of the roadworks.

But skipped by with little delay.

Open at last.

Still early so lots of low cloud hanging.

Construction period until mid next year.

Another stoppage this time falling trees quickly cleared by the machine driver.

Then straight into some more hold up’s.

Pounce hoping to pick a way through, but no chance.

A waiting game.

Time to step on the gas.

I notice this small Hmong village and had to stop and only a few days of the new year was left and may not get a better opportunity to get some shots.

Quite a turnout.


Boys lining up to start the ball toss.

A little cutie.

Wonderful costumes.

A little shy of the strange dressed farang.

My entourage followed my back to the bike.

Managed to sneak by this one although a little narrow.

A little splash.

A quick beer stop had the village out.

Admiring glances.

Truck wash.

More of the same.

Nice crossing.

Watching the locals line.

Pounce giving out some toys.

Smiling faces, i think.

This guy was stopping for no one…..

Despite all the hold up’s we still managed an average of 20km an hour and reached Luang Prabang early afternoon in time for beer o clock.

Friday, 30 December 2016

Laos Houay Xai To Hongsa Via Pakbeng

First day of a 18 day trip with my mate Pounce.


Easy crossing at Chiang Khong with our paid escort over the bridge.

Clear blue skies hope it stays that way for the trip.

The Nam Tha river looking pretty full.

The trail is mostly graded graded and just enough bull dust to make it fun.

Some beautiful karst mountains in this area.

Very unusual cave and rock formations.

Trucks carrying sand dredged up from the Mekong.

Spirit house.

Storage buildings for rice are usually seen on the edges of most villages.

Dark clouds looming ahead hope we stay dry, this dusty trail could turn nasty real quick.

Pounce getting route advice.

Coming into one of the larger villages we decided to stop for some refreshment.

This was a Kamo village i guess they dont see many foreigners and soon the whole village was out.

Pounce giving out some balloons for the kids.

Bought some beer for these guys.

Pretty basic villages, they dont get any sun till after mid day when the clouds burn off.

Soon riding down the last dirt section before reaching the 2W.

Crossing the new bridge at Pakbeng.

From here its an easy paved ride to Hongsa for the night, tomorrow we would chance our luck on the 4B dodging the construction traffic.

Visiting the Mlabri (Yellow Leaf People)

One year now since our friend Auke passed away suddenly, I promised Sieste (Aukes son) that we on Ride Asia would do our best to honour thi...