Saturday 10 December 2016

Laos, Ban Long To Luang Namtha

176 km total distance.

After a false start due to the piss poor repair on Des’s inner tube, new tube fitted, scouted around for a way onto today’s trail, this bridge was obviously only for foot traffic.

So found this other slightly better bridge into the hell on earth banana plantation forest.

Soon climbing up into the mountain and spectacular views.

I was beginning to think we would be blessed on this day and the trail had been freshly graded after the rain’s.

We arrived in Photham a very small village and views to die for. 

Des enjoying the view.

Stopped to chat with the locals, after a few minutes i gave out some sweets and kid’s toys and they loosened up.

Very nice friendly people will have to make an effort to return some time soon.

Homemade single shot rifle.

Soon on to our first of two pretty deep crossing’s and the end of the graded surface.

We watched some locals cross and it was pretty rocky and fast moving.

I crossed and Des was the marker guy for the deeper spots.

Dennis across safely after a few saves.

Des was not happy crossing water you can almost see the fear in his eyes.

A bit more shoving and pushing and all crossed safely.

To our surprise the fresh grading continued until we reached Chamai.

Curious eyes on the strange farangs.

Once clear of the village that was the end of the luxurious graded surface 

Onto the next water crossing, this was interesting as there was a very steep rocky climb after the water that would be interesting with wet tyres.

I crossed as the other followed to the waters edge for the assault on the hill.

Dennis joined me in the water.

Des preparing himself.

Easily done.

As is the case this was steep and rocky and no margin for error.

Dennis clawing his way up.

Des lost traction and dumped in the river.

Managed to get him going again and he scrambled up.

Once past this the landscape opened up with panoramic views, but devoid of trees.

Never seen these timber dwellings before and wondered how old they were as the trees had long gone.

Trail carved into the hillside.

Came across this hut and presumably good luck symbols.

All smiles at this point.

Stopped at the auction for the shortcut, this lady washing her silver jewellery in the distance.

No name for this village.

Another isolated village in the distance.

less traveled here.

Surprise well constructed bailey bridge in the middle of nowhere.

Me bogged down in some loose grading.


Opening up again to great views.

Army camp with interesting wind turbine.

More than a good share of ruts in this section.

Finally made it to the paved sections and decided to push on to Luang Namtha and a restful night at the Toulasith GH that for once was not full N21.00208° E101.40932°

The new 140k kip room’s.

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