Friday 9 December 2016

Laos, Houay Xai To Ban Long

Day one of a 14 day trip with some mates Dennis and Des

Distance 186km

After a nice relaxing night in town we met the following morning and headed off in the more inland route to Ban Long passing Wat Xiengdao on the Mekong, the road and the scenery up to this point gives you time to shake out the cobwebs and enjoy the mainly paved route.

We stopped to admire this view and suddenly all the kid’s in the village came out to see.

Dipping into my tank pannier and sweets all round, my chicken became the centre of attention.

Off once again we reached Wat Xiengdao to eat a baguette we purchased in Hua Xai.

Inquisitive young monk’s.

Making the turn east it was soon apparent the trail was little used since the end of the rainy season, a little sloppy in places.

Early bath for Des.

More sloppy bit’s, but the main problem was small pebbles that would have normally pushed away, it was like riding on marbles.

Reached the iron bridge with no drama’s

Once through the trail narrowed from lack of use.

Then opened up on some of the rocky sections.

Dennis getting a wheel up on the slope.

Des had picked up a front puncture near the iron bridge  so we limped into Xieng Kok for what turned out to be a poor repair.

We reached Ban Long as darkness fell and checked into the Henghom GH at N20.96211° E100.82333° 80k kip and had a relaxing first evening at the local restaurant just down the street which now boasts and english menu

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