Well after a pretty tame night today was to be a pavement ride heading as far north as time would allow, to tee us up for a visit to Lima 85 all being well, but first stop was to take a look at the Mig's.
The Russian cargo plane remains in its usual location, amazed the hunk of scrap has not been stripped down by now.

Poor shot of the Mig's but it looks like some of them have been removed.

After a quick pit stop in town for a baguette, it was north to Tham Piu Missile Cave
N19.67364 E103.56833

They have an excellent although small information - museum which is sadly seldom open.

One of the mass grave sites.

We had the place to ourselves.

The cave has an eerie feel to it, and the story of the horrific events adds to that feeling and the 374 souls claimed here.

This memorial statue a grim reminder.

Nearby UXO Laos office, indicates there are still uxo's littering the area.

A quick stop in the village to check the weaving looms.

Amazing amount of detail

Working our way north and the roadway snakes its way through the Karst mountains

Another pit stop and as always lot's of smiling kid's, well half smiles.

The whole area around the communist monument in Sam Neua is getting a facelift, the town still has an unwelcoming feel, so we pushed on to Vieng Xai.

After quickly poking around town it was time for a cold one in the Sailomyen.
N20.41221° E104.22455°

Totally out of keeping with the rest of the otherwise quaint town, the new district offices now still unfinished, a huge white elephant.

The defiant statue gives you some idea of what the people in the area think of the USA.

Checking into the Chichareane hotel still the best place in town but showing signs of neglect, but the beds are super comfy.
N20.40979° E104.22687°

The main reason to visit Vieng Xai was to gorge ourselves in the Sabiadee Indian restaurant.
N20.41107° E104.22669°

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